Have you prepared Halloween costumes for your kids? And have those costumes been accompanied with props? One thing you need to know is that props are as important as costumes to guarantee your kids a great experience on Halloween Day.
SainSmart Jr. now specially offers 3 excellent costume props for your kids to make more fun and help them get more sweets on Halloween.

Engineer Box is another creative costume prop specially offered by us. It can bring you back to the movie of "Frankenstein" and the classic role must become very cute if your kids dress like that.
Product features:
- Total 31 PCS props in a box with wheels.
- Lightweight and portable, so your kids won’t be tired if they carry it for a whole day
Many children love to dress like doctors and nurses at Halloween parties. Our Nurse Pretend Play set, which provides your kids with a versatile medical box including a wide variety of medical equipment is a definitely good choice for you.
Product features:
- Total 14 PCS props to be selected as Halloween prop.
- ABS material-made and harmless to your kids
- Recommend age 3+

Robin Hood is a very classic role to be played on Halloween. Robin Archery is a must for kids who love Robin Hood and want to be armed with a green bow and arrow.
Product features:
- Luminous bow with 3 LED light patterns, allowing your kids to play it in the dark
- Lightweight and easy-to-carry quiver with strap to hold arrows
- Recommend age 6+
After your little ones are dressed and their candy bags are in hand, you should tell them about 7 Trick or Treat Safety Tips so that they can have an happy and safe Halloween experience.